Account: Go to to create an account with username (email address) and password. Select what subscription package you want:

Free Trial: Full functionality with limited number of charts and scenes to test the system functionality.

View Only: This system is designed for swings and understudies. You can view the entire production, but cannot edit any of the charts or script. No editing of the charts or script, but ability to write personal notes on the charts. 

Lite (Student): Unlimited functionality but only one production.

Unlimited: Full functionality for an unlimited number of productions.

Production List: Productions connected to your account are listed on the homepage of the system, in alphabetical order. 

Type of Production: You can see if that production is connected to either the script or the staging score.

Owner Status: You can see if you are the owner or a collaborator on the project.

Sync Status: You can see if the project is in sync with the connected devices and the date when it was last synced to the system.

Favorite: You can choose to FAVORITE a production (float it to the top of the list) for easy finding by tapping ‘EDIT’ at the top of the page, then select/unselect the productions, then tap ‘DONE’ to update your favorites.