The longest running outdoor symphonic drama, The Lost Colony tells the real-life story of the first English colonists who came to Roanoke Island and who mysteriously disappeared. The show takes place in the exact location where the events first took place (Manteo, NC). The show first opened in 1937, written by Paul Green, and has been running ever since, each summer.
In 2021, a re-imagined production directed by Jeff Whiting, brought together a world-class creative team to reimagine the production with a brand new symphonic score by Sam Davis, and many other theatrical additions, including puppets (Nicholas Mahon), 3D projections (Christopher Ash), authentic Native American choreography (Nakya Leviner) and Native American music (Kaya Littleturtle).
In 2013 the production earned a Tony Award for Excellence in Theatre.
“A familiar production under new direction that’s crisply paced, visually striking and aurally sweeping.”
“It’s fun, exciting, beautiful, thought-provoking and worth every penny!”
Waterside Theatre (Manteo, North Carolina)
Jeff Whiting
Sam Davis
Paul Green
Scenic Design:
Skipper Bell
Puppet Design:
Nicholas Mahon
Costume Supervisor:
Nicole Peckens
Lighting Design:
Keith Truax
Projection Design:
Christopher Ash
Fight Director:
Jason Paul Tate
Native American Choreography:
Nakya Leviner/Kaya Littleturtle
Native American Music:
Kaya Littleturtle
Music Director:
Jesse Kissel
Sound Design:
Ashton Michael Corey